Thinking Into Results
This may shock you – it is a proven fact that 1% of the population controls 96% of the money in this country.
What is more shocking is that 96% of the population controls 1% of the money in this country – this includes people who work at a job and small business owners
Do you sometimes wonder…”Is this really as good as it gets”?
Do you want to achieve more without working harder?
Do you want to spend your life doing what you really love to do?
Have the freedom to have more time and more money while working easier
Ready to be more productive, more calm, more healthier and most of all – much more happier in all aspects of your life
You only have to have a small window of time each day to be able to dedicate towards a solution
Do you want to learn the fastest and most enjoyable pathway to achieving your goals and living the best life that you want
It’s now time to close the gap between where you are now, the life you want to have and the goals you deeply desire to achieve. You can get anything you seriously want.
The law of cause and effect is the law of laws – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thinking Into Results
Thinking Into Results (TIR) is an intense program designed for serious minded individuals who want results.
This Transformational Program is incredibly effective and is able to facilitate a quantum leap in personal and profession performance.
It is a one-of-a-kind system and comprehensive consultant-guided home study program designed to facilitate radical personal and professional results.
You will see what root causes that are holding you back and uses a lifelong application that can literally transform any area of your life. 61 years in the making, Bob Proctor backs up his program by telling people “Show me anything that you truly want and I can show you how you can get it
Thinking into Results is the ultimate in consultant-guided home study programs based on and developed from over 75 years of intensive research, study and real-world experience into the science and mechanics of personal growth and achievement: what makes successful people successful.
Developed by the world-renowned and respected Bob Proctor and former legendary corporate attorney and business partner Sandy Gallagher, TIR is considered their signature program and the most powerful system that has ever been created to quickly and permanently transform any goal, dream or desire into reality.
No other coaching program dives down into the fundamental cause of the programming in your mind. Our TIR coaching programs will teach you to shift your thinking and your habit patterns to create permanent long term results. There is no outcome which this system has not been able to deliver.
Anything you truly want is within reach, and the best part is that what you may not be aware of is that everything you need is already close to you. You just aren’t aware of it yet. It really is this new awareness that leads you to discover the secret to getting what you really want
What people are not aware of is that there are natural laws of the universe and they are ready to provide whatever you truly desire. By harmonizing a clear goal with your conscious and subconscious mind and the natural flow of these forces, then get ready for opportunity and abundance to appear before .
You already possess the power to achieve the results you want but you most likely don’t understand how your mind works to get those results
This program will have you learn to tap into the deep reservoirs of power with your mind, working in harmony with the laws of the universe, to achieve your goals, significantly grow your income to match your new lifestyle and learn to stay in control of your life and work without guilt and conflicting circumstances.
“If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves” Thomas Edison
Thinking Into Results
There is a reason that you are stuck with the same results year in and year out. It’s called a paradigm. A paradigm is a multitude of habits and they very likely are controlling every move that you make. A paradigm is a habitual mental program that has almost exclusive control over your mind. 97% of the population keep getting the same results year after year. The only way to really get the results you want in life and for them to be lasting and permanent is to examine your paradigm's (your habitual mental programs) and change them at the sub conscious level, known as a "Paradigm Shift". You can "want" your life to change at the conscious level as much as you want, but if you don't change it at the sub-conscious level by changing your paradigms, your results won’t change nor will your life and this can be very frustrating. When you understand how to change this, your whole world will change. You will begin to see how the TIR program helps you set a new and positive paradigm and train your mind to get the results that you want.
Everything that happens to you in your life is in direct response to your thoughts – Thinking into Results helps you install new paradigms into your subconscious mind that serve you instead of the old paradigms holding you back.
The success of any professional program is in repetition. TIR consists of access to the original Thinking Into Results lessons that were developed by Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher:
You won’t have to wait for the benefits of this remarkable system to kick in. Because it engages your mind at both the conscious and subconscious level, your mind will start absorbing and responding to this information as soon as it receives it. In fact, you will experience a quantum leap in your results from the first moment you begin this program.
The impact of each individual phase in the Thinking Into Results process is maximized via the power of repetition – the first and most important law of learning – which causes a fundamental alteration of the mental processes that create your results. Through this targeted repetition, you will QUICKLY and AUTOMATICALLY form the habits that lead to long-term prosperity and abundance.
Focus intensively on a single essential element of the achievement process, with each lesson building upon the insights of the last.
Challenge you to immediately apply what you learn, so you see and feel yourself changing, progressing, and moving closer to your goal in real time.
Viewed twice a day, morning and evening, motivate you and reinforce the lesson content at multiple levels of consciousness – a critical key to achieving change quickly and making it permanent.
60-90 minutes each week, gives you the support, encouragement, answers, and expert guidance you need to keep you moving forward on your journey to achievement.
Once you start learning more about TIR, you will start to see that you actually can replace your old beliefs and behaviors that never will produce the results that you want. There is a new awareness that everything that you have ever wanted is inside you right now. “This is the law of cause and effect that is the law of laws” Ralph Waldo Emerson
You have a new idea. It could be a new business. No matter what it is, it will manifest everything you desire with ease from your completing the TIR program. But, for TIR to work, it will require a shift in your thinking.
The twelve lessons included in your Thinking Into Riches include:
Lesson One – A Worthy Ideal/ Principle: Goal Setting and Achieving - This lesson explains how to set and achieve goals that promote quantum leaps in your life and in your business because it all starts with knowing what you really want.
It also teaches the process of setting and achieving team/family goals. Individuals set goals that inspire them, which helps to move them forward. They become motivated and see themselves as part of something bigger.
Lesson Two – The Knowing/Doing Gap/ Principle: Return on Investment - This lesson helps individuals implement what they already know and teaches how to change your behavior to close the gap between what they know and what they actually do so results start to show up faster.
Most training gives individuals information on how to do their job or earn more money but seldom do you see better results that stick because their paradigm keeps them from acting on what know.
Lesson Three – Your Infinite Mind/ Principle: Productivity and Efficiency - This lesson works to help you replace your non-productive habits with productive habits and become more efficient and more productive in their job or business and all other areas of life.
Lesson Four – The Secret Genie/ Principle: Peak Performance of Individuals - This lesson shows you how your mind works and how to use your mind to create the results you want. Take a closer look at their daily habitual action to see where they can become more productive. Break away from past results and habitual behaviors to reach peak performance.
Lesson Five – Thinking Into Results/ Principle: Innovation and Proactive Thinking – Teaches people how to think and how to analyze their thinking. In order to change your results, you have to change your beliefs and your thinking. Realize that past results are a reflection of past thinking and to change what results you are getting, you have to change your thinking.
Develop creative, innovative solutions to problems to increase success and happiness. A new way of thinking that produces innovative and proactive thinking and has you feeling and acting like you are living your goal
Lesson Six – Environment Is But Our Looking Glass/ Principle: Creating a winning self-image - You will understand that to be more productive and successful, you have to change the image of themselves. You will focus less on your past results and what others are doing and more on what you are capable of achieving. Train your mind to create a winning self-image and better leader in the environment that you want to be living in
Lesson Seven – Trample The Terror Barrier/ Principle: Overcoming Barriers to Success - Gain an understanding of your fears and taking action regardless of those fears. As you overcome these fears, you will become more productive and forward thinking and realize more of their potential.
No more letting fear, doubt and procrastination keep you from the actions and results of the vision you hold
Lesson Eight – The Power Of Praxis/ Principle: Aligning actions and results within your own vision – See the connection between your beliefs and behavior and when you change from non-productive to productive actions, the results can then match your vision and goals.
You will create the results that you are capable of creating. Maximizing the power of belief to align that belief and other behaviors to create the result you desire
Lesson Nine – The Magic Word/ Principle: The attitude and mindset of a highly-successful individual - Gives a very complete definition of attitude. Explains the importance of having a good attitude, but this lesson explains what it is and how to change it.
To have your thoughts, beliefs, and actions aligned will make you more productive and efficient. You will learn the way to create a positive attitude regardless of the situation
Lesson Ten – The Most Valuable Person/Principle: Effective Leadership – Helps you develop qualities of leadership in addition to be able to be a good follower. The creation of a positive environment is where you will be appreciated for who they are and the work they do.
Lesson Eleven – Leave Everyone With The Impression Of Increase/Principle: Success Through Service – This is about giving with no expectation of return. By giving service to others, you are encouraged to do more and give more than expected. The result of this lesson is to look for ways to make everyone you come into contact with feeling valued and appreciated.
Lesson Twelve – Magnifying The Mind/Principle: This program lays out the steps for a quantum leap, leading to dramatic results in performance. You are shown ways to sustain success so you keep getting better and better at what they are doing. Magnifying the Mind results in being focused and empowered with unprecedented increases in performance.
You will need to learn how to master your own inner game so you can work in harmony with the laws of the universe and the laws of how your mind works. There is no other way to achieve the results and success you want.
If you feel that this is a bunch of hype, please note that TIR is sold in 193 countries and hundreds of programs are sold every day. TIR gets proven results. All of those purchasers were in the same place you are now, having doubts but putting faith ahead of them
If you have traditionally struggled in life to achieve your goals but goal-setting has not worked, then the 24 weeks that you will invest in yourself will be worth every cent.
You will do the course by yourself but you will not do it alone. You will have a mentor who will be there every step of the way.
- How much time will it take?
The program is designed to run for 24 weeks but you can decide if you want to go faster or slower. Do the video study twice a day at a time that works for you. The same goes for the study workbook. There will be a live meeting once a week where we can work one-on-one.
- Is there any personal mentoring with Wayne during the course?
Absolutely – Just leave an email or voice mail and we will set up a time
- How is the program paid for?
The payment is a one-time upfront payment. There are no refunds once you have received the course. We recommend PayPal financing if it is more convenient to make payments.
- I’m really scared to be paying so much money up front?
Of course you are. You are hitting what we call the terror barrier (discussed in the program) and your paradigms are working really hard to hold you back and keep from growing. Remember that hundreds of people just like you purchase this program every day and they too are purchasing on faith that this will work for them. We know it will as thousands of people have completed the course already.
A good friend of mind gave me some advice that I still use to this day. He said that if I am considering making a purchase and I can get back what I paid for it within one year, then absolutely make the purchase. You will get the purchase price of this program easily within one year and possibly within one month.
- How can I measure my success?
“Successful people make decisions very fast and change them very slow, if and when they change them at all” – Napoleon Hill. Only you can answer that question but believe me, you will know from the changes that will be happening every day.
So, what are you going to do? Take charge and sign up? Or do nothing and this time next year you’ll be in much of the same place as today.
If you have to "think about it", this is just procrastination into making a decision. You will not get the results you want and need if you continue to procrastinate. Successful people make decisions fast and rarely change them if at all. It’s your choice!
Choose faith over fear and sign-up and start The New Thinking Into Results today! Contact Wayne at 916-500-8187. Let’s do it together now!
Thinking into Riches is being used by people, teams, and corporations all over the world and they took the same risk you are about to take. There is no outcome which TIR has not been able to deliver so if you are ready for a step-by-step program to see your goals become a reality, then call Wayne today.
We will do team/corporate training at a special rate, includes a personal program for each team member. Follow-up calls are included as well.
So, think about this – if you don’t do this coaching program, you will keep doing what you have been doing, you will keep getting the same results (which is nothing) then you are getting now and this pattern will continue for years to come. Take charge, choose faith over fear and get signed up today!
Also, how would you like to wake up every morning and there is money on your phone? I do this every day and I love it. Towards the end of the program, we will be talking about MSI’s – multiple streams of income. Having several sources of income feeding you money every day. How do you think the 1% are the 1%? They own several companies paying them money. Look at the actors on “Shark Tank”? They purchase and operate numerous companies and generally
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