The Benefits of Investing in a Good Quality Adjustable Bed Base for Your Bed

Have you ever had a full eight hours of sound sleep and yet still woke up feeling tired? Have your joints and muscles felt sore and tight even when you were supposedly just relaxing on your bed? If yes, then you might want to take a look at your bedtime habits and what could be contributing to these discomforts. More specifically, you might want to look at your bed.

With a good night’s sleep on your bed, you are able to recharge and get enough energy for another day. If your bed doesn’t afford you your needed rest, you’ll feel groggy, out of focus, and just generally sleepy throughout the whole day. That’s why it’s crucial that both your mattress and frame give you the right support for sleep.

The Benefits of Replacing Your Bed with a Good Adjustable Bed Base

Convenient Adjustment

For the most part, people view bed frames or bases as more of an aesthetic consideration. Does the design go with the room’s theme? Does the color complement the tone set by the interior? In terms of functionality, the considerations are usually limited only to whether or not it has extra space that could be used for smart storage.

A different kind of bed base available now, though, and it could change the way you sleep at night—for good. The adjustable bed base is designed to adjust the mattress to varying angles so you can sit up right on your bed with proper back support. Think of how convenient this is for you, especially if you’re the type who loves to read first—whether a book or on your mobile device—before getting some shut eye. 

Healthy Sleep

It’s also a great choice for the health benefits it provides. You may be thinking that this kind of bed reminds you of a hospital bed—and for very good reasons. Sleep time is the best time for your body to repair and heal itself. With an adjustable bed base, you can improve blood circulation, reduce swelling, ease back pain, relieve muscle and joint soreness, and even reduce snoring. Acid reflux or GERD sufferers in particular could very much benefit from this kind of bed given how painful and uncomfortable it gets when lying down. Now you can have a relatively more comfortable sleep even if you need to sleep sitting up.

Custom Comfort

There are also split adjustable bed bases for king or queen-sized beds. With individual controls for each side of the bed, you can simply make adjustments to your own base without affecting the other side. This means you’ll never have to worry about bothering your sleeping partner with your tossing and turning or as you read your book.

Mattress stores like The Healthy Bed Store located in Folsom, CA in the Sacramento area can assist you with your bed frame and mattress needs. Make sure to test the beds yourself so you can determine which one fits your comfort level best.


Health Benefits of Adjustable Beds.

How to Choose a Mattress in 5 Easy Steps – The Definitive Guide.

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