Four Things that Make Memory Foam Mattresses Unforgettable

Some types of mattresses have superior quality that allow them to fit very specific sleeping needs. Memory foam, in particular, was originally designed for astronauts in space before health care companies discovered they offered extra support for the elderly and patients recovering from surgery and illnesses. Here are four things that make memory foam mattresses stand out in a sea of modern beds that all promise better sleep.

Customers Choose Memory Foam Mattresses for Better Support and Sleep


Unlike other beds that promise natural contents, memory foams are made of different man-made materials to offer both density and viscosity for a medium-firm feel. The foam is so dense that foreign bodies cannot penetrate them, including microscopically small dust mites. Memory mattresses may be synthetic but they are safe and rated as hypoallergenic. Viscosity likewise helps provide sufficient pressure points to cradle the natural form of your body.

Firm Support

Memory foam provides a firm surface that can help alleviate chronic back pain and improve sleep. Memory mattresses are named as such because each one memorizes the natural shape of your body in order to offer proper support. As a result, memory foam is best for people with chronic back pain and joint pain, as well as those with aching muscles. Furthermore, the more you sleep on your memory foam bed, the softer it gets without significantly losing firmness. Unlike with other beds which may get harder and lumpier, years of sleeping on memory foam mattresses can even increase comfort.

Motion Separation

Many buyers are concerned about motion because they may be sharing the bed with active sleepers or are the active ones themselves. Memory mattresses are made to fit a user's weight and shape, thereby hugging them well and reducing motion. In other words, memory foam can offer good motion separation so you will not have to worry about disturbing your partner’s sleep.

Superior Lifespan

Some mattresses may last for 5 to 8 years but memory foam exceeds the lifespan of the average mattress. In fact, regular use of memory foam mattresses can even extend their life to around 12 years. A good tip though is to switch the sides of the head and feet every month to relax the foam and allow it to adapt to new shapes.

What makes memory foam mattresses distinctively memorable is the ability to provide quality sleep due to their medium-firm feel, supportive features for those with back and joint pains, motion separation effectiveness, and long lifespan. If you’re having a hard time choosing a new mattress, remember the main goal - a good night’s sleep on a firm bed- which will most likely lead you to a memory foam mattress.

5 differences between a pocket sprung and memory foam mattress, Independent.Co.UK
Are Memory Foam Mattresses Good for Your Back?, Livestrong.Com

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