Know When to Get the Best Deal at Mattress Stores in Sacramento

They say timing is everything, and mattress buying seems to conform to this rule. When it comes to getting the best deal possible, when you buy your mattress is just as important as where. Try to plan your mattress purchase so that it coincides with the year's best prices.

matress stores

Month of May

According to Deal News, May has been the best month for low mattress prices for several years running. This is typically the time when mattress stores in Sacramento are looking to clear out old inventory to make room for new items. As a result, shopping this time of the year often offers discounts of up to 60%. May is also the time to cash in on Mother's Day sales.


Mattress retailers advertise big sales around holidays like President's Day and Memorial Day. This can be an excellent time to buy a mattress, but buyer beware. Some stores truly do offer deep discounts, but others drop prices by only a small amount, relying on an advertising blitz to make consumers feel the deal is better than it is. Take a look at the regular price of the mattress you want to buy and verify that the holiday sale price really is as good as claimed.

Black Friday

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are similar to holiday sales. You can get a great deal on a mattress sale in Sacramento if you're careful, but it's important to make sure that the store is offering real discounts and not just hype. These sales often last only a few days, though, so you better make sure you get there on time. You can also visit retailers that have year-round promos and timely clearance sales, like The Healthy Bed Store, to get the most bang for your buck.

Shopping for a mattress at the right time is an excellent way to save money, but ensuring quality of your bargain purchase is of course just as important. t You spend one-third of your life on your mattress, so it's important to pick the one that offers you the best support and comfort.


How to Buy a Mattress: Expert Tips for Shopping Mattress Sales. Deal News.

Your Month to Month Guide to Great Sales. Huffington Post.

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