Choosing An Organic Latex Mattress Based on Your Sleep Style

When you are shopping for latex mattresses in Sacramento stores like The Healthy Bed Store, you will have a variety of options and features to sort through. When considering all of the choices, keep in mind the way that you are most comfortable sleeping. People who sleep on their stomachs need different features in a mattress than people who sleep on their backs or sides. To make the best mattress decision, work with an experienced sales person in order to find the best mattress for your sleep style.

latex mattress


If you have a condition such as arthritis or osteoporosis, you need a supportive mattress that conforms to your body shape. A latex mattress does this naturally. For the highest level of support, seek out an organic latex mattress that has thick gauge steel coils and a dense concentration of coils. You might also want to consider a solid mattress without coils, so long as it has a highly dense core.

Side Sleeping

Side sleeping is the most common sleep position. Look for a latex mattress that will lessen the pressure on your shoulders and hips. A soft mattress is ideal for this sleep style because it conforms to your body and helps to keep your spine in proper alignment.

Back Sleeping

Back sleepers need a mattress that supports the tailbone and takes pressure of the sciatic nerve. The natural latex also helps to keep you cool as you sleep, as it dissipates the heat and keeps it away from your body.

Stomach Sleeping

Stomach sleepers are fewer in number than back or side sleepers. People who sleep on their stomachs need a firm mattress that allows the body to essentially float on the surface of the latex, rather than sinking into it.

Many stomach sleepers tend to shift around and change positions, occasionally moving onto their sides during the night. The organic latex foam offers the right amount of support for your joints while sleeping on your side without letting you sink into the mattress laying on your stomach.


Buying Guide: Find the Best Mattress for Your Sleep Style.

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