The Truth about Memory Foam Mattress—Debunking Common Myths

Ever since the memory foam mattress hit the market there have been some misconceptions associated with it. While being skeptical and cautious can help you avoid misspending, it’s time to debunk the myths about memory foam mattress and learn the truth about this superior bed solution.

Myth #1: It’s too expensive.

While some brands may be undoubtedly pricey, there are many that are of high quality and affordable. Another factor that helps make them affordable is the usable life span of this type of bed. A traditional innerspring mattress lasts 6 years or less on average. A memory foam mattress can last 8 to 10 years or more and some come with warranties up to 20 years or more.

It’s not for cold sleepers.

Many people mistakenly think that a memory foam mattress is hot to sleep on. In fact, its open cell construction allows for better airflow and breathability, making it cool to sleep on. Some are even infused with gel and other materials to more effectively wick away heat and moisture from your body and give that cool sensation you want.

It loses density and develops dips after a few weeks of use.

This can happen with cheap or faux products. But if you buy your memory foam mattress from a reputable bed store in Sacramento like The Healthy Bed Store, you can expect it to last for 10 year or more. Many top brands offer generous warranties and the Healthy Bed Store offers lifetime comfort guarantees on some of their models. As with any mattress, proper care and maintenance will keep your bed comfortable to use for as long as possible.

It smells.

No one wants to their bed to smell. Some memory foam mattresses can have an initial odor caused by “Off-gassing” but this usually lasts for a very short period of time. Some compare it to a new car smell. Additionally, many mattress brands now use improved compounds that greatly reduce or even eliminate any smell.

It pays to be inquisitive and well-informed when it comes to your choice of mattress. To be absolutely sure about the quality of your mattress, talk to a bed solutions expert from The Healthy Bed Store. They can help you find the perfect mattresses for you and your family.




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