Putting to Rest the Top Three Memory Foam Mattress Misconceptions

Mattress technology has come a long, long way. Historically, most mattresses were of the mattress-and-springs type, these days you’re just as likely to find memory foam mattress options.

Memory foam is relatively recent, being invented in the 1960s by NASA to upholster airplane seats. It’s made from a material called viscoelastic, which is both absorbent and highly energy absorbent. Because of these properties, memory foam molds to the shape of the body in response to heat and pressure, enabling the mattress to evenly distribute body weight. As a result, people are less likely to wake up with aches and pains because of the superior support that this material offers.

That being said, many people are unfamiliar—and often, unwilling—to invest in memory foam mattresses. A lot of this reluctance stems from misconceptions about this mattress type. Below are three of the most common ones and the truth behind them.

Memory Foam Mattress Misconceptions: What You Must Know Before Buying

It Feels Hot

Yes, memory foam has an inherent capacity to absorb heat—it’s what gives it the ability to mold according to your body’s shape. The latest memory foams, however, have an open cell structure that readily dissipates heat, so you’ll won’t wake up sweaty.

You’ll Sink into It

There’s a common belief that memory foam is too soft and that you’ll sink into it—and struggle with getting out. The reality, though, is that like all mattresses, memory foam comes in varying firmness levels, allowing you to choose the level that suits your needs or preferences.

It’ll Retain Your Body Shape

This is an extremely common misconception, not helped by its name “memory foam.” For the record, quality memory foam should not develop dips and cavities over time—and if it does, it should be covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. It will only start molding to your body’s shape when you lie on it, and the foam will return to its usual shape once you rise from bed. 

Millions of Americans have already made the shift to memory foam. If you want a mattress that offers excellent support while also ensuring maximum comfort, then memory foam is just what you need. If so, be sure to purchase one from a trusted supplier than offers a wide range of such products.


7 Common Misconceptions about Memory Foam, The PillowHub.com

Memory Foam Mattresses: Myth versus Fact, HealthyFoundations.com

Memory Foam: Pros and Cons, WebMD.com 

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