Debunking Misconceptions about Latex Mattresses and Learning the Truth

An organic latex mattress provides many benefits, including reduced exposure to toxins and relief from pain and stress. However, because of several misconceptions about this type of mattress making some shoppers are hesitant to buy one. Debunking these myths are important for you to make a prudent buying decision.

Myth 1: Expensive

Latex mattresses may be considered a higher priced mattress but is important to take into consideration the life span of a mattress to get the true cost. When you consider this type of mattress as an investment whose longer lifespan can actually save you money in the long range, it becomes a fiscally sound expenditure.

Debunking Misconceptions

Their durability is unquestionable and other mattresses have a hard time matching its longevity. You will have no need to budget for a new mattress for many, many years.

Myth 2: Doesn’t Hold Up

Some believe that latex mattresses are prone to breaking down over time, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Because they’re made of rubber-like balls they’re elastic, flexible, and durable. The milky extract collected from the rubber tree is what forms the solid sheets that make up the latex bed. Such materials are one of the most durable on the market.

Myth 3: Too Firm

Latex mattresses come in various levels of firmness to meet the needs of the users around Sacramento. In fact, they’re more flexible than firm, making it a good material for adjustable base beds. They can also provide more than ample support for the back to help relax the muscles and reduce pain.

Myth 4: Smells Bad

Just like any new bedding material, latex mattresses have a particular odor that you may find bothersome. However, the smell dissipates over time. Also, you can ask the manufacturer for a sample before making a purchase. This way, you can take a smell and determine whether the scent is too annoying for you.

Myth 5: Risky for People with Latex Allergies

Those allergic to latex are worried they’ll fall sick if they sleep on a latex mattress. You must remember, though, that latex foam is covered by a fabric, meaning you won’t have direct contact with the latex. Moreover, washing the mattress removes any elements that may trigger an allergic reaction, making it safe for most people.

These are only some misconceptions about latex mattresses. Before making a purchase from Sacramento stores, it’s best to research and know more about the product you’re buying to sort out the misconception from the truth.


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