Critical Questions to Ask Before Adding an Adjustable Bed Base to Your Bedroom

When people think of adjustable bed bases, they often get them confused with hospital beds. Although they work very similarly, adjustable bed bases are not just designed for those with serious medical injuries. Rather, they’re designed solely to improve comfort.

These bases are showing up a lot in the mattress industry. From 2011-2015, the number of adjustable bases sold by U.S. mattress manufacturers grew by 24.3%. If you’re in the market for such a sleep accommodation, there are some questions you need to ask first.

What You Need to Ask Before Looking for the Right Adjustable Bed Base

What Features Does It Have?

Adjustable bed bases come equipped with a myriad of features, depending on what the user is looking for. Generally, the more features the base has, the more costly it will be. Entry-level bases usually come with controls that allow you to adjust the head and foot positions. The settings are limited, but you can still customize sleeping positions until you find one that works.

More sophisticated designs feature different neck-support presets, along with massage controls. You can sit upright in bed and get a full massage, all before bedtime. Other bases come with heat settings you can control depending on how cold the room temperature is.

Whatever features you’re looking for, it’s paramount to try them out in person so you can assess their true value.

Should You Go for Split Adjustable Design?

After assessing features, consider the design. Is the adjustable bed base one whole piece or does it split into two parts? The latter is ideal for couples who like to sleep differently at night.

Thanks to the split design, you can elevate your neck while your partner lowers theirs. No arguments have to ensue because the truth is: Everyone likes to sleep differently. Your sleeping preferences may even change on a daily basis, depending on what aches and pains your body is experiencing.

How Good Is the Its Construction?

Purchasing an adjustable bed base is a little more complex than buying a simple piece of furniture. The base moves and comes with a motorized design, so there are more elements you need to assess. Know that not all bases are equal.

Some are more powerful than others, a feature that is usually reflected in the price. Your best bet for finding an effective bed base is to try out the motorized design in person. See how it pulls you up and lowers your body for a few minutes. Make sure the movement is smooth and that the structure of the base is stable throughout each position change. Also listen for the noise. A loud motorized bed may not be the best fit if your partner is a soft sleeper.

An adjustable bed base is an option you shouldn’t overlook when upgrading your mattress. Think about what settings you want it to have along with custom features, so you can choose a base that provides you better sleep.


Is an Adjustable Bed Right for You?,
Lifestyle Adjustable Bed Bases Offer a Comfortable Night’s Sleep,

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